Bacich News

We are thrilled to welcome our Bacich families back to school! It is a year of great excitement and promise both in our classrooms and on our campus. As we embark on another school year, I invite you to stay in touch with what is happening at school and in our school district. There are multiple ways to learn what’s going on at Bacich!

Our Kentfield School District website and the Bacich School website are friendly sources of district and school information. The District’s Weekly Newsletter shares messages from our superintendent and other important District news. You can also find the Bacich Parent Bulletin, embedded in the District newsletter and can also be found on the News section of the Bacich and Kentfield website. You will notice my weekly message, grade level websites, updates on school construction, the school calendar and more on the Bacich website.

Your child’s teacher will communicate regularly through a classroom newsletter, class blog, a Twitter feed or a program called Seesaw. They will share with you their preferred method of communication.

Monthly School Board Meetings, PTA Meetings and School Site Council Meetings are also rich sources of information to find out about what is happening in our school and in our school district. Additionally, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Bacich Student Handbook (please, click link to download). This resource, which is located on the Bacich website, is full of important information about our school.

The fall Intake Parent Conferences, which take place September 12 – 14, are another way to stay involved. These brief conferences provide an opportunity for our parents to share with the teachers their thoughts, hopes and dreams for their sons and/or daughters. We recognize that mothers and fathers know their children best!

Intake Conference Sign-ups open at 5 p.m. Thursday, September 6th and close Tuesday, September 11 at 5 p.m.

* Please note that Kindergarten is using Sign-Up Genius for their Intake Conference Sign-ups.

Lastly, a wonderful source of information about our school can be found in the voices of your own children. Depending on your child, you may not get as much information as you might like. If you ask, “So how was school today?” and the answer is “fine” or “good”, these responses are not at all unusual. However, they do not provide much on-the ground information for moms and dads.

My message this week includes some engaging questions for you to use while asking about your child’s school day. These questions are perfect for starters and may even lead to an interesting conversation. They will definitely provide a better insight into how your child thinks and feels about their time at school.

Give these a try:

  1. What was the best thing that happened at school today?
  2. Tell me something that made you laugh today.
  3. Where is the coolest place at the school?
  4. If your teacher were having dinner with us tonight what would she/he tell me about you?
  5. How did you make someone smile today?
  6. How did you help someone today?
  7. Tell me one thing you learned today.
  8. What part of your school day made you the happiest?
  9. Who in your class do you admire and why?
  10. Tell me about a new friend in your classroom this year.

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Sally Peck
Bacich Principal

Bacich Intake Conferences - September 12-14, 2018

* Please note that Kindergarten is using Sign-Up Genius for their Intake Conference Sign-ups.

Parking and Pick Up/Drop Off at Bacich

Due to construction, there are no parent/community member parking spots on campus at any time during school hours, except for three ADA permit parking spots for community members who need them. Bacich has 14 parking spots for 65 staff members.

  • We are now offering Early Drop-Off to provide a wider window for direct drop off at Bacich and relieve traffic congestion at drop off time. The Bacich playground will open at 7:30 a.m. each day for Grade 1–4 students. Staff will supervise the playground.
  • Carline will begin at 7:45 a.m. Please follow the Carline Procedures.
  • Please reference this Bacich map that Safe Routes to School created that identifies parking locations. Safe Routes to School is a great resources for finding a walking/biking group to Bacich from your neighborhood.
  • Don’t forget to get a FOB at the District Office to enter campus gates during school hours.
  • Families driving to Bacich must use the Carline or park off campus. This Bacich map will help you find the right area to park or enter the carline.

We ask that all members of our school community be particularly respectful and mindful of our neighbors this year with the increase in traffic and congestion due to school construction. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and patience as our school undergoes significant renovation.

Bacich Back to School Resources

Bacich Site Council

Next Meeting: September 10, 2018, 3-4 p.m., Bacich Library. All parents are welcome to attend.

Bacich Construction