District News

Superintendent Schott, pictured outside.

Signs of our upcoming Board of Trustees election are literally popping up throughout our district. Five candidates are vying for three of the seats on our five-member Board in November. The community has an opportunity to meet the candidates and learn more about their views thanks to the forum hosted by the PTA and the League of Women Voters on Tuesday, September 27, at 7 p.m. in the Kent Multipurpose Room. 

Another opportunity for gathering and enjoying friends is coming this Sunday at kik's Family Fun Day, one of my favorite events in the fall. Games, the Fun Run, a BBQ lunch, and the Cake Walk combine to make for a thoroughly enjoyable day on the green. 

I hope to see you at both of these events, and I thank our parent groups for making them possible.

Thank you,

Liz Schott

School Board

School Board Information

Next Meeting: October 9, 2018 at 5 p.m. in the District Office.

  • The Agenda will be posted by 5 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.

2018-2019 LCAP

The District's Local Control and Accountability Plan describes the District’s key goals for students paired with the actions the district will take to achieve the goals and measure progress. The 2018-2019 LCAP, the District's strategic plan, was approved at the Board meeting on September 11, 2018 .

Parent Partners Meeting

  • Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 9 am, District Office

Parent Partners is a group for parents of students with learning differences.

The group meets three times per year with the primary goals of providing parent perspective and feedback to the school districts, supporting children with exceptional needs by increasing knowledge and acceptance of learning differences in the community, and supporting other parents of students with exceptional needs.

New Website

We recommend typing the website address into your internet browser rather than using a search engine to find our website. It takes time for the search engines to update with the new website and versions of our previous website exist on the internet.

Please let us know what you think of the website (webmaster@kentfieldschools.org) and if you encounter any areas where you would like more information. We will be refining organization and layout as we receive community feedback.

  • Website Tip: Visit our Calendars page to learn how to subscribe to calendars for the entire district, Bacich, Kent, KSPTA so that events will automatically sync with your iCal or Google calendar.