Bacich News

Dear Parents,

There’s something magical about a garden or simply green space where you can go and experience precious moments to relax and enjoy nature.

This year, the Bacich native garden has taken on new importance. It is a place where many of our students love to go to explore, imagine, and dream. They discover worms, rollie-pollie bugs, butterflies, and spiders. They gather sticks, shells, berries, twigs, stones, and greenery to build forts and tiny fairy homes. They dig in the soil and crush stones into powder, “like the Miwok Indians did long ago,” one of our third graders reported. Some children lie on the benches and stare at the clouds going by.

Individually and in small groups the children enter this space and it becomes an imaginary and magical place. “Stores” are set up in and amongst the bushes and shrubs. Some students have even created a bartering system where they exchange nature’s commodities. This is a place where they are learning to work together, negotiate, and compromise with a sense of timelessness.

Recently, Bacich received a KSPTA Grant to add to our beautiful redwood garden beds located in this space. And soon, one of our Bacich parents will offer a lunch garden club where children can plant in these beds and learn about the art of gardening.

In our fast paced world where we are often so removed from nature, this quiet place is where our students can reengage their senses and connect with Mother Earth. Unlike the big and busy playground, this small garden space offers our students a place of calm and wonder.

I’m grateful that our school campus has this little tucked-away pocket of green space for our students to imagine and delight in being together. Next time you are on campus, I invite you to come explore, relax, and enjoy the beauty of our school garden!

Thank you,

Sally Peck
Bacich Principal

Bacich Announcements

Bacich Parent – Teacher Conferences: November 13-16, 2018.

This is an opportunity for parents to hear from their child’s classroom teacher about their son or daughter’s progress during the first trimester of the school year. Conferences are a wonderful time for teachers to share about each student’s strengths, outline areas that may need improvement, and set goals for the months ahead.

  • Families who wish to have translators present at their conference should schedule their conferences for Thursday–Friday between 1–4 p.m. or by coordinating with the classroom teacher.
  • We request that families of multiple households come together for the twenty-minute conference, which will be held in each teacher’s classroom.

Online conference sign-ups close at 3 p.m. on Friday, November 9, 2018.

  • Parents may access the conference sign-ups through the following link:,
  • Simply choose Bacich, then select your child’s teacher and choose a conference slot to reserve your desired time.

Please note that Parent-Teacher Conference days are Minimum Days and follow the Minimum Day Schedule for each grade level.

Please plan for the shortage of parking around campus and make every effort to be on time for your child’s conference. You may reference the Safe Routes Park and Walk Map for Bacich to plan ahead for parking.

  • Please do not park on the school campus.

Bacich Lost & Found Items To Be Donated Friday, November 16, 2018

Author Visit At Bacich

On November 9, 2018, author Arree Chung (Mixed! Ninja and Ninja Claus) will visit Bacich grades K-2.

Unsigned copies will be available at the book fair for purchase.

Bacich Site Council

Next Meeting: December 3, 2018, 3-4 p.m., Bacich Library. All parents are welcome to attend.

Bacich Resources

Please visit our Bacich Families page for information such as the Bell Schedule, Parent Handbook, and other important resources and forms.

Bacich Grade Level and Program Websites

Follow Bacich on Instagram

Bacich Elementary School @bacichelementary

Bacich STEAM Projects @bacichsteam

Bacich Construction