Kentfield School District

December 12th, 2019

Don't Miss These Announcements

Report Cards

Good news! Bacich now offers morning supervision starting at 7:30 a.m. for our school families who may need it.

Kentfield Community Drive

Parents/Guardians of Sixth Graders

New Parking Regulations on Acacia Avenue

To make this busy thoroughfare more walker and biker friendly, new parking restrictions will be put into place on the south side of Acacia (Lilac to McAllister) and north side of Acacia (Lilac to Rosebank) from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. on school days.

2020-2021 School Calendar Released

Important Emergency Preparation Resources, Tips, and Checklists

Upcoming Events

Friday, December 13, 2019

  • Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event at Bacich
    • Use a green way to arrive at Bacich and join us for morning treat and coffee (please bring your own cup)!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Winter Break: December 23, 2019 to January 3, 2020 (school resumes Monday, January 6, 2020)

District News

School Board

School Board Information

Board Meeting Highlights - December 10, 2019

Next Regular Board Meeting:

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2019, 5-9 p.m., District Office, all are welcome to attend
  • The agenda will be posted by 5 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.

Special Board Meeting:

District Committees

District English Learner Advisory Committee

  • DELAC Meeting: Tuesday, January 7, 2020, Bacich Library
    • School-age child care available
    • 5:45-6 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting

Community Forum: Budget

  • Monday, December 16, 2019, 7-8 p.m., District Office

English Language Learners

English Language Learner Resources and English Learners Website

Bacich ELAC Meeting: Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 8:30-9:30am, Bacich Room 12

Bacich News

Methinee Bozeman

Hello Bacich Families,

It's almost Winter Break! Next Friday, December 20th, all 650 Bacich students will be dismissed at noon. That's a lot of kids and potentially a lot of cars! While we always encourage green travel when possible, we hope you can walk, bike, carpool, or scoot to and from school that day.

Walk Bike Scooter Carpool

Wishing you a safe holiday and happy new year!


Methinee Bozeman

Bacich Announcements

Friday, December 13, 2019: Holiday Go-Green Event @ Bacich

Join Bacich teachers and staff at the annual SRTS Holiday Go-Green event! Meet our local fire, sheriff and parks officers and enjoy a tasty treat from our friends at Woodlands. From 7:45 a.m. to the morning bell. ***BYOCup!***

Bacich now offers morning supervision starting at 7:30 a.m. for our school families who may need it.

Bacich report cards will be posted on Aeries on Friday, December 20, 2019.

2019-2020 School-Wide Volunteer Opportunities

  • These volunteer roles are school-wide. For classroom-specific opportunities, please contact your lead room parent.

2019-2020 Bacich Parent-Student Handbook

2019-2020 Bacich Bell Schedule

Bacich Site Council Meeting

  • Monday, January 6, 2020, 3-4 p.m., Bacich Office Conference Room
  • All are welcome to attend.

Bacich ELAC Meeting

  • Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 8:30-9:30am, Bacich Room 12

Follow Bacich on Instagram

Bacich Elementary School @bacichelementary

Bacich STEAM Projects @bacichsteam

Bacich Library @bacichlibrary

Kent News

Kent Library

Kent Announcements

Grades are available on Aeries

6th Grade Families: Tdap Booster Requirement

Your child will need the Tdap booster vaccine to enter the seventh grade in the fall. If your child has not had this vaccine, please make an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible and bring the updated vaccine record to the Kent Office. If your child has had this vaccine, please bring the updated vaccine record to the Kent Office.

Thank you,

Laurel Yrun, RN Credentialed School Nurse

5th - 7th Grade Only: Private School Application Instructions:

  • Please contact Lisa Sandberg at
  • Please do not send teacher requests for teacher recommendations directly to teachers. All transcript and teacher recommendations need to go through Lisa Sandberg.

Yearbooks are on Sale Now

Be sure to order one of these amazing mementos to cap off your child's year! To order, go here: - code 7587

Yearbook Order Code: 7587

For ordering help, call The Yearbook Order Center toll free at 866-287-3096 or email us at The Yearbook Order Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST).

Llama al 866-287-3096 si necesitas un operador en español.

8th Grade Families

2020-2021 High School Registration Begins Soon

Most families choose to attend their school of residence. Please refer to your high school website for registration/enrollment information.

If you would like to enroll at Tamalpais, Redwood, or Drake High School and this is not your school of residence, please read the information posted on the District website for “Open Enrollment.”

As a first step in the registration process, incoming freshmen may apply now for an Open Enrollment transfer. Please see the application on the district website. The initial deadline for transfer requests is on January 17. After January 17, students will be contacted individually to confirm their school of choice. Once approved, students will be able to register directly with your school of choice.

“Open Enrollment” applies only to students who are TUHSD residents who wish to attend a district high school other than their school of residence. The January transfer request deadline allows entering ninth grade students to register at the group registration days at your school of choice. Although you may register at any time at your school of residence, the final deadline to request an Open Enrollment transfer is June 30 (or until the maximum of 50 spots per site are filled).

If you have read the information posted on the website and have a question, please email

Thank you,
Mary O’Leary
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Tamalpais Union High School District

8th Grade Families

Kent Community Service

Kent Library Project Night Night Drive

Project Night Night is an organization that gives new stuffed toys, blankets, and books to children in homeless shelters. You may contribute new kids’ books, new stuffed animals (no larger than 12 inches), and new blankets. Blankets should be no larger than 50’ by 60’ – “stroller sized” and can often be found in the baby department of stores like Target. You can also donate money if you are unable to buy the items. Donations can be given directly to Ms. Jelen in the Kent Library.

  • The drive will culminate on Tuesday, December 17th.
  • If you have any questions, please see Ms. Jelen in the Kent Library.

Thank you for giving the gift of reading and comfort to local children in need!

Kent Schoolwide Volunteer Opportunities

On this sign-up link, you will find all Kent volunteer opportunities. Please join us and volunteer for one or more of these roles. Please email if you have any questions on role and/or time commitments. Thank you for all you do for our school!

Kent Site Council Meeting

  • Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Conference Room
  • All are welcome to attend.

Follow the Kent Library on Instagram


Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, January 27, 2020, 7-8:30 p.m., Kent Library

There is no December KSPTA meeting.

  • In response to community feedback, the January meeting will be held in the evening.
  • Officer Josie Sanguinetti, our School Resource Officer, will speak about student safety — both physical and emotional — and what parents need to know to protect our kids.

Sign Up for Good Earth Lunch Session 2

Session 2 has started but you can still sign up!

  • Ordering deadline is Monday, January 13, 2020

Order today!

Families in our community and across the country are pledging to delay giving their young kids a smartphone.

Curious? Learn more at Wait Until 8th.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee meets to identify, recruit, and nominate the slate for the Executive Board for the next school year. The Committee also recruits coordinators for the various programs KSPTA runs in the schools.

The Nominating Committee will be elected at the January 27 general meeting and will begin work in February 2020. If you are interested in sitting on the committee or learning more, please email our Parliamentarian Stefanie Weinstein at

Connect with KSPTA!

Twitter: @KentfieldPTA

Instagram: kentfieldschoolspta

Facebook: Kentfield Schools PTA

Please join the KSPTA today to support our community events and programs and lend your voice to our state and national PTA’s advocacy on behalf of children.

Safe Routes News

Become Your Neighborhood Captain!

Find Your Safe Route to School

Visit Safe Routes to School for Walk & Roll information, safety tips in English and Spanish, updated neighborhood safe route maps, and public bus to Kent information.

If you are interested in becoming a SRTS Neighborhood Captain, please contact

Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event – Friday, December 13, 2019 – Bacich Only

Join Bacich teachers and staff at the annual SRTS Holiday Go-Green event!

Meet our local fire, sheriff and parks officers and enjoy a tasty treat from our friends at Woodlands. ***BYOCup!***

From 7:45 a.m. to the morning bell.

  • Parent volunteers, signup to greet our students with swag and smiles!

Friday, December 20, 2019: Go-Green Again! on the last day of school and avoid traffic at pickup on this short day.

Driver Alert! New Parking Regulations on Acacia Avenue

To make this busy thoroughfare more walker and biker friendly, new parking restrictions will be put into place on the south side of Acacia (Lilac to McAllister) and north side of Acacia (Lilac to Rosebank) from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. on school days. Parking is already restricted on a large segment of the northern side of Acacia (from Lilac to McAllister).

Look for the new signs to go up next week. Marin County has a two-week grace-period before enforcement goes into effect. Please park legally.

Sheriff officers will be able to address any concerns from our school community at the Holiday Go-Green Event Friday, December 13, 2019.

Community News

These programs are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Distributing flyers and information is a community service and does not imply endorsement.

We teach kids to code!

Members learn coding through robotics, JavaScript Minecraft plugins, web and game development, and programming fundamental lessons.

  • MVCode clubs are located in Kentfield, Mill Valley
  • Summer camps also available

You can register your child for a free trial class at

Scholarships are available for families with financial need.

No Bully! Workshops

Workshops for Parents & Guardians: How to Bully-Proof Children in their Lives and the digital world. Tools to use at home and in partnership with the school community.

  • Wednesday, February 5, 2020: How to Stop Cyberbullying with focus on Grades 3-8
  • Thursday, March 15, 2020: Stop Cyberbullying & Navigating the Social Media Landscape with focus on Grades 6-12

All workshops are 6-7:30 p.m. at Marin County Office of Education, 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael

Eighth Grade Washington D.C. & Boston Trip

The deadline to register for the 2020 Washington, DC & Boston Trip (4/4- 4/9/2020) is Friday, February 14, 2020. Have your 8th grader check with Mr. Palmer for a registration envelope.

Questions? Contact Ryan Palmer at