Kentfield School District

April 17th, 2020

School Closure Resources and Information

Please visit our new Distance Learning Portal

We have a new, redesigned website for support, resources, and media during the school closure.

KSD Distance Learning Portal

Dear Kentfield School District Community,

The state of the district during this time of crisis was the focus of the School Board Meeting this week. The principals highlighted the distance learning initiatives at their sites, and Christy Chandler of the PTA’s equity and inclusion committee discussed the Parent Buddy program that has been developed to assist families in navigating these challenging times. The Board was also brought up to speed on the predicted effects of the coronavirus crisis on school finance in California, none of which are positive.

Over 100 staff members participated today in a two-hour seminar on Zoom provided by LearnIt and Bacich parent Matt Murawski. The overwhelming response was that the training was very helpful and teachers and staff are excited to put their new learning to use connecting with their students in the virtual space.

Lastly, please join me for office hours on zoom every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. or send your questions to our new FAQ site.

Enjoy your weekend,

Liz Schott

Book Drive

During our COVID-19 school closure, some of our Kentfield families do not have access to physical books. We are collecting donated children’s books to distribute to families to read at home. Workbooks and fun activity books, like “how to draw” books (unused), are also great options for donation.

  • Please drop off your donations at the Bacich School's main parking lot Wednesday, April 22, between the hours of 9-11 a.m.

Our donation drop-off area will be divided into the following grade levels: TK-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, and middle school. When you arrive, please keep a 6-foot distance from other people or wait in your car until you can drop off items safely.

School Board

Letter to the Community: April 3, 2020

Next Meeting: May 12, 2020

  • Families will receive the virtual meeting details before the meeting.

kik Update

Nashville Nights auction event has been cancelled. We will be having an online auction soon — stay tuned for more details.