Kentfield School District

May 15th, 2020

School Closure Resources and Information

Distance Learning Portals

We have a new, redesigned website for support, resources, and media during the school closure.

KSD Distance Learning Portal Student Services Learning Portal

Dear Kentfield School District Community,

The School Board and Kentfield School District community welcomed Raquel Rose as its new Superintendent, effective July 1. See Raquel’s welcome letter and bio here. Wendy Holmes, the new K-8 Assistant Principal was also introduced and given accolades by several members of the hiring committee. Raquel, Wendy, and incoming Bacich Principal Mary Ann Spitzer have begun to work with their outgoing counterparts to ensure a smooth transition. The Board and community will say goodbye and express appreciation to all retiring and departing staff at its June 9 meeting.

A committee comprised of over 20 staff members had its initial meeting on Tuesday to begin the work of planning for a return to school in August, 2020. Representatives of all departments and employment classifications sorted themselves into seven categories of focus: instruction, governance, wellness, health, operations, facilities, and technology. The committee will meet weekly to ensure preparedness for whatever the return to school looks like. If you have expertise in one of the areas listed, please contact Liz Schott.

The school sites are working diligently on plans for the end-of-year celebrations and start-of-year orientations our students are accustomed to. These include, but may not be limited to: 4th grade promotion and 8th grade graduation; 4th grade step up day; Kindergarten sneak peek; and parent welcomes. This newsletter will be the source of updates on these plans.

Chief Business Official Kirsten Starsiak updated the Board on the projected state budget, with the caveat that the May revision is being released later in the week and will be much more specific on how the financial crisis will affect school districts.

Beth Rhodes and Klaus Christiansen from the College of Marin updated the Board on current and future construction projects on the campus that impact College Avenue. Questions or concerns may be sent directly to Beth or Klaus.

The terms of School Board members Quoc Tran and David Riedel end in November. They have not yet announced whether or not they will seek reelection. Parties interested in learning more about running for one of the seats will find information on the County website. If you are interested in what a School Board member does, join Board President Heather McPhail Sridharan and me on Tuesday, May 19, at 5:00 p.m. for an orientation session. A zoom address will be sent out that day.

Liz Schott

Virtual Office Hours with Superintendent Liz Schott, Bacich Principal Sally Peck, and Kent Principal Grant Althouse

  • Weekly on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m.
  • Families will receive an email, sent through Aeries, with the zoom webinar link and password.
  • Virtual Office Hours Archive

School Board

Letters to the Community

  • May 8, 2020: Introduction of Superintendent finalist Raquel Rose.
  • May 7, 2020: Rescission of 2.5 layoff notices, update on Bacich class size, and gratitude during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Next Monthly Meeting: May 12, 2020

  • Families will receive the virtual meeting details before the meeting.

Hello Kent Middle School Students,

Did you know that families are biking more than ever throughout Marin? Safe Routes to School is here to help keep you safe while having fun!

The Kent Middle School Bike Week Contest provides a week of daily activities preparing students to safely ride a bicycle.

Gear UP for Bike Week! Enter to win a PRIZE. It’s a FUN one-week contest to encourage you to practice your biking skills in May beginning this Monday, May 18.

Bay Area Writing Camp Online Summer Courses

kik Update

Hey y'all! The Nashville Nights online auction is going live on Wednesday, May 20th until Saturday, May 30th. Please help support our schools by bidding on amazing items from restaurant and spa gift cards to getaways and fun activities.