Kentfield School District

April 26th, 2021

Kentfield School District News

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Dear KSD Community,

COVID has brought forth challenges and emotions none of us could have anticipated or previously experienced. We navigated the uncertainty, listened to various perspectives and adjusted based on our unique landscape. The current discourse in our community has risen to a level that does not represent who the KSD is or wants to be. Although, this pandemic has been disruptive and unsettling – we are now at a point where the end is on the horizon. Let’s find a way to navigate these final weeks of the school year as partners with a common interest in educating our children and treating one another with grace, compassion and kindness.


Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

COVID Relief Funds – Community Input Needed

The KSD is requesting input from the community to help prioritize the new Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant Funds. Below are resources, which offer more background about how these dollars may be used as well as an input form to gather feedback to help prioritize the use of these one-time restricted funds for the 2021-22 school year. Thank you in advance for your feedback and engagement.

Plans for the 2021-22 School Year

The KSD and KTA have mutually agreed to finish out this school year following our current schedule and to revert to a Pre-COVID schedule for the 2021-2022 school year. Hopefully this update helps community members plan for next fall.

Upcoming Events

2021-2022 District Calendar

*For security, Zoom links and passwords for events are not posted on the District website, and are sent through ParentSquare.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

  • Citizens' Oversight Committee meeting, 5-6 p.m., agenda

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Monday, May 3, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

  • KSPTA Kids Closet clothing collection begins

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Thursday, May 13, 2021

  • Reclassification Ceremony, 6-7 p.m.

Safe Routes to School

Save the Date! National Bike to School Day on May 12!

To spread the joy of biking, Marin Safe Routes To Schools is celebrating National Bike To School Day on Wednesday, May 12.

More information coming soon!

Save the Date! Reclassification Ceremony on May 13

On May 13, 2021, we are thrilled to be celebrating our English Learning families in a Reclassification Ceremony! The ceremony will recognize the amazing ability to use two languages and will highlight the students who have recently been reclassified as English Proficient.

The Ceremony will take place in the Bacich Courtyard and will begin at 6:00 p.m. We are inviting the entire community to join us in celebrating this achievement by submitting a short (10-30 second) video saying congratulations to our honorees for a video montage to be shown that night. Please send to Christy at or 415-845-9409.

Crosswalk at Wolfe Grade & Sir Francis Drake

As you plan ahead for your child’s walking and biking safety to/from school, please be aware that the crosswalk at the Wolfe Grade and Sir Francis Drake intersection, located in front of Bacich and Sloat Nursery, is now open. So, when considering your child’s route to school, please plan ahead for this change.

Even though the new crosswalk crosses Sir Francis Drake heading towards Bacich, for student safety, we have made the following recommendations about its use:

  • Students should continue to use the current route they’ve been using going to/from school.
  • Kent bicyclists should proceed down to the Laurel Grove crosswalk to cross with the crossing guard as they do now, and then proceed down McAllister to school (instead of using the new crosswalk and riding through Bacich campus).
  • Kent and Bacich walkers should continue to use the overpass or the Laurel Grove crosswalk.

Please share this with your child, particularly if they travel independently to school. Thank you for your partnership to ensure our Bacich bears and Kent falcons travel safely to and from school!

If you have questions regarding this recommended route to school, feel to contact Tanya Vernitsky, Safe Routes to Schools representative, at Also, this is a link to neighborhood route maps from Safe Routes to Schools. Thank you!

School Board & District Committees

School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts

Citizens' Oversight Committee meeting, Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 5-6 p.m., agenda

District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting: Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 6-7 p.m.

Local Control and Accountability Plan/Strategic Plan (LCAP) meeting: Wednesday, May 12, 4-5:30 p.m.

COVID-19 & In-Person Information

KSD COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 Information & Resources – vaccines, testing, public health orders

In-Person Instruction Information – safety plans, exposure measures

Vaccine Availability

Public health has opened COVID-19 vaccinations to everyone who lives or works in Marin who are 16 years old or older. Sufficient vaccination capacity is now available to ensure that our low HPI / vulnerable communities will be able to easily and quickly get vaccination appointments.

  • Book an appointment HERE
  • Learn more information about vaccination during this informational session hosted by Public Health, every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. through May 27.

Marin Public Health School Update

Hear an update on vaccination distribution, testing, and other pertinent information for schools.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

  • Dial In: +1 408 638 0968 | Webinar ID: 810 1338 0958 | Passcode: 132596
  • Presented in English with Live Spanish Translation
  • Session will be recorded
  • Questions can be sent ahead of time to:

Bacich News

Mary Ann Spitzer

Dear Bacich Families,

There are lots of exciting things happening at Bacich. Please read on for updates on this week and beyond.

  • Current staff, former staff and friends of Geoff Chin got together and made a beautiful dedication movie about Geoff, with a purpose. We showed the video in classes this morning and students are already excited about the eggs and caterpillars they have in class as well as planting milkweed seeds, all in the honor of Geoff Chin and his love for science and butterflies. Watch the video to learn more about the projects your children are doing.
  • Missed the Principal Chat on Social Justice Curriculum last week? Don’t worry! Here is the recording of the chat as well as the slide deck with links to curriculum and videos.
  • 4th Grade Promotion will be held outside in the field this year following the safety guidelines set before us by the CDPH and Marin Public Health. We are planning for this now and will keep you posted as the details develop.
  • A new crosswalk has been created at Sir Francis Drake and Wolfe Grade and opens today. We continue to support students using the overpass for the safest way to and from school.
  • We will begin building next year’s classes in May. Teachers have had the opportunity to get to know your child in many different ways. When we build classes, we take into consideration several different factors: academic progress, social emotional needs, gender ratios and learning styles. Our goal is to create sound class profiles to be taught by any teacher. I trust our teachers’ expertise to make strong and cohesive classes for next fall. However, we acknowledge that there may be some special circumstances that we are not aware of that might help us place your child successfully. If this is the case, please drop me a note or email before May 3 so we can include your input (please do not identify a specific teacher, only attributes/needs of your child). Thank you!

Have a great week,

Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal

Bacich Announcements

Bacich Art Blog

Visit Ms. Libby's latest blog post featuring the Bacich school wide K-4th grade community action step bookmark project and 1st grade bird sketches.
Please feel free to post a comment on the blog.

Bacich Library

Bacich Library Check Out and Curbside Pick Up

  • Email the books you want to check out to Librarian Ms. Warnick
  • See the library blog for instructions on how to access the Alexandria Library Catalog to look for books.
  • Some books may be able to be delivered to the classrooms, and the others will pick up their orders on Friday. Ms. Warnick will let you know. Curbside pick up available every Friday in front of the Bacich Office. The books will be placed in plastic bags with your names on them on a cart.
  • Please return books on Friday in the red plastic bin labeled, "Return Bacich Library Books Here" in front of the office.

Kent News

Kent Principal Grant Althouse

As we enter the final week of April, we look ahead to many important and exciting events occurring during the third trimester of school at Kent. Please see below for a summary of a few upcoming events to be aware of.

  • Week of May 3rd (6th/7th/8th), Week of May 10th (5th) - Administration of the MAP Growth Spring Assessment in Reading and Math. We will administer the MAP Growth Assessment to replace CAASPP as our spring assessment tool, this year only. 6th graders will take this assessment the week of May 3rd in their Expressions class. 7th and 8th graders will take this assessment the week of May 3rd in their English classes. 5th graders will take this assessment the week of May 10th in their classrooms.
  • Week of May 3rd - 5th Grade Family Life. 5th grade teachers will be presenting the 5th Grade Family Life Unit to students in class the week of May 3rd. This introductory experience around growth, development, and puberty is an important learning opportunity for our 5th graders. Please see your child’s 5th grade teacher with any questions.
  • Week of May 3rd - Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you for the incredible professionalism and commitment from our teachers, and to our community for the many ways you show our school staff your appreciation!
  • Week of May 10th - Teens in Transition/Huckleberry Youth - Healthy Sexuality Series. This year we partner with Huckleberry Youth to present our 8th graders with the Huckleberry Youth Healthy Sexuality Series. This will replace Teens in Transition for the 2020/21 school year. Students will have one lesson a day led by a Huckleberry Youth staff member, delivered through Zoom. For the remainder of 8th graders’ school days this week, they will attend their regularly scheduled classes.
  • Week of June 1st - 4th to 5th Grade Step-up Day. We will be hosting each 4th grade class for Step-up Day activities the week of June 1st. Activities will include a campus tour, an interview and presentation with a 5th grade teacher and some 5th grade students, and a Spirit Rally/Q&A with key school staff.
  • Thursday, June 10th @ 6 pm - 8th Grade Graduation. We are pleased to announce that we will host the 2021 Kent 8th Grade Graduation on Thursday, June 10th at 6 pm on the Kent field. This event will honor all graduating 8th graders for their many accomplishments over the years, and the bright futures ahead of them. Safety protocols from the state of California will limit attendees, guide the event set up, and prohibit additional parties/celebrations around the ceremony, however we know we can still honor our graduates in the ways they deserve through this culminating school experience!

As you can see, we have a lot to look forward to this Spring! Beyond the important and exciting activities above, we will continue to maximize the time we have with our students to ensure that we conclude this year with curiosity, intrigue, challenge, and learning for each Kent Falcon!

Be well,

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

Kent Announcements

Community Update

The latest newsletter from Be the Influence, a parent education program on youth substance use, is on the health risks of “wellness” vaping products (essential oils, vitamins) that we are seeing in Marin middle schools, as well as nicotine products (pouches, gum, lozenges). The newsletter also covers new research on the addictiveness to youth of today’s cannabis compared to alcohol and other drugs and the opportunity to discuss with your child given last week’s “420 celebrations.” Read all about it here.

Be the Influence’s website has a wealth of information on the substance use our youth face. Please consider joining by making their Parent Agreement or signing up to receive their informative bi-monthly newsletters on what’s going on in Marin with respect to adolescent substance use.  It’s never too early for parents to get educated and start talking with your middle schooler about this important topic! 

Order Limited Edition Kent Spirit Wear & 8th Grade Yard Signs

Next Principal Chat: May 14; 9:15 a.m.

Daily school lunch program at Kent: visit KSPTA to learn more.

Kent Counselors Wellness Hub: Easily access resources to help navigate this challenging time.

Kent Library

  • Email Ms. Jelen at to check out books.
  • Return books to the same cart where you pick up books – right outside the Kent gate when it's not raining and right in front of the library when it is.

KIK News

SPRING AUCTION WISH LIST — we still need your help!

The KIK online auction is next week, May 2-8, but we can still accept donations. If you are willing to donate a gift card or item from the wish list, we would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your support—the dollars we raise helps ALL KSD students!


This year, we’ve partnered with Farm to Function for gourmet charcuterie boxes and William Tell House for drink kits for you to enjoy at home. 20% of Farm to Function sales and 25% of William Tell House kits will go back to support Bacich and Kent.

The pick up party will be on Friday, May 7th from 4-6pm at 100 McAllister.


Gift cards from International Orange, Mollie Stones, Proof Lab, Sloat Gardens, Folio, Village at Corte Madera, Woodlands Pet, Just Nails


FUND-A-NEED 2021-22: KIK GRANTS FOR KSD KIDS, administered by the KSPTA

Get ready for this year’s KIK Fund-a-Need during the Spring Auction!

  • Donations will fund grants to provide innovative and creative programs and resources for our Bacich and Kent students.
  • Grant funds are raised by KIK and managed with the help of the KSPTA. Together we can further enhance Bacich and Kent students’ classroom experience by raising dollars for this Fund-a-Need program.
  • Check out this past year’s KIK Grants awards and more information on Fund-a-Need projects and programs.


Every Tuesday Left Bank creates a KIK family dinner for $50 and donates 20% back to KIK. Opt in to get a weekly email reminder to order.

  • April 27: BBQ ribs, caesar salad, mac & cheese, broccoli
  • If your family needs extra portions of the meat or different sides, call Ryan at Left Bank and he can customize a Family Meal that works for you: 415-927-3331
  • Check out another Left Bank promotion that also gives back to KIK!

ORDER NOW for pickup on Tuesday. Select “KIK Family Meal.”

Menu updates & reminders: Follow us on Facebook & Instagram


There are still nearly 3 months left to the school year and $275,000 to raise to support our students and the programs they love. We welcome your support.

  • $1M Annual Commitment Status : $771,162 (net) to date
  • Thank you to all donors who gave to the March Madness Challenge—your generous participation helped move the Annual Commitment donations to the next level!

Thank you to the 346 KIK Donors and counting that have been committed to our students this year!

See Current Donor Wall

For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish


Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, May 10, 2020, 7-8:30 p.m.

  • Kentfield families and members will receive the Zoom link and password. If you do not receive the link, please contact
Bacich Special Edition Youth Shirt Bacich Yard Sign Kent Special Edition Youth Shirt Kent Yard Sign

Special Edition Spirit Wear! On Sale Through May 3!

KSPTA is excited to celebrate ALL Bacich and Kent students' resilience and perseverance throughout this school year, especially our 4th and 8th graders who are marking major milestones this year!

We are selling special 20202-2021 Bacich and Kent tee shirts (youth and adult sizes) to commemorate this historic year, and for our graduates, we are offering yard signs for 4th and 8th graders.

This is a fundraiser, and all profits will support KSPTA programs at Bacich and Kent for the 2021-2022 school year. With the loss of most of our usual fundraising sources, we will have to make cuts next year, so every dollar helps us provide funds for classroom stipends, after school sports at Kent, and much more!

All funds will go to the KSPTA, which are needed to support programs for the 2021-2022 school year.

Visit KSPTA Store to order

Time for Spring Cleaning and Save the Date!

The KSPTA Kids Closet is a free shop created by clothing donations from our community serving all students and families in our district.

Week of May 11: Clothing Collection Drop off new and gently used children's clothing sizes 4T to XXL.

Saturday, May 22: Kids Closet Shopping Event at Bacich

School Lunch Program with School Foodies

Daily lunch service at Kent and weekly pick-up for Bacich available.

Shop Farm Fresh Produce & Support KSPTA

KSPTA is offering a healthy new way to raise funds for our schools!

We have partnered with “Farm Fresh to You” and 10% of all orders will benefit our kids and teachers in the classroom. Enjoy well-priced and delicious produce and a huge selection of other grocery items delivered right to your door!

Please review this flyer for more information.

Use promo code: kspta

Interested in getting involved in the KSPTA?

Reach out to Erica Applestein, KSPTA President, at to learn more about the difference you'll make as a KSPTA leader.

Distance Learning Resources at KSPTA

We are committed to supporting the Bacich and Kent communities with programs like the expanded Buddy System and more.

Visit the distance learning resources page to learn more. Suggestions and ideas are welcome at

Connect with KSPTA!

Twitter: @KentfieldPTA
Instagram: kentfieldschoolspta
Facebook: Kentfield Schools PTA

KSPTA is proud to support Be the Influence.