KSD News

Dear KSD Community,

Active community engagement is one of our District’s core beliefs outlined in our Strategic Plan. In the next few weeks, there are several important information forums in which our community can participate. On October 20th at 6:00pm there will be a second virtual Public Health forum focused on questions and concerns regarding pediatric vaccination (see details below). On October 21st and November 4th at 6 p.m. the County of Marin will host two Community Forums regarding the Project Homekey initiative proposed to be located at 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd (see details below). We urge members of our community to participate in these information sessions to ask questions and be as informed as possible about how these activities may impact our school community.

We thank you in advance for your engagement and dedication to our learning environment!

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

Photographer Volunteer Needed

The Kentfield School District is looking for a parent willing to donate their time to a photography project. If your profession or hobby is taking pictures and you are interested, please reach out to Cyd Amaral at camaral@kentfieldschools.org.

Bikes & Crosswalk Safety

Please remember that while crossing any street on bike, scooter, or skateboard students must walk their bikes across the crosswalk.

We thank our parents for reminding their children and reinforcing this important safety measure.

Please reference these tips from Safe Routes to School about bike safety.

Project Homekey Meetings

On September 21, the County of Marin and the City of Larkspur, in partnership with Episcopal Community Services (ECS), announced that they had identified a potential Project Homekey 2.0 opportunity at the former skilled nursing facility located at 1251 S. Eliseo Drive in Larkspur. On Tuesday, the County of Marin’s Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in support of authorizing staff to submit an application to the State for Homekey funding. The discussion, which you can view here (items #7 & #8 on the agenda), included details about the countywide homelessness strategy, the Homekey funding opportunity, and a detailed description of the development and service plan.

To continue to provide a transparent and open process, the County of Marin, the City of Larkspur, and ECS will co-host two upcoming community forums. Both of these forums will follow the same format: a 30-minute presentation from partner organizations followed by an up to 90-minute Q&A with the community.

2021-2022 District Calendar

October 18-22, 2021:

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

Monday, October 25, 2021

  • Kent Flag Football at Mark Day, 3:45-4:45 p.m.
  • KSPTA Equity & Inclusion Committee Kick-Off Meeting, 6-8 p.m., District Office (750 College Ave, Kentfield CA 94904) and Zoom option

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

  • 7th Volleyball v. Del Mar, 4-5 p.m.
  • Family Partners Meeting, 4-5 p.m.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

  • 8th Volleyball v. Mark Day, 4-5 p.m.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

  • Kent Flag Football v. Davidson, 4-5 p.m.

Friday, October 29, 2021

  • Cross Country Championship at IVC

Monday, November 1, 2021

  • No School – Professional Development Day

KSD Vaccination Rates 10-01-2021

COVID Communication Exposure & KSD COVID Dashboard:

The Kentfield School District is following protocols from the Marin County Office of Education and the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services for scenarios and actions related to COVID-19 exposures and cases.

The Marin Schools Public Health COVID-19 Exposure Protocols for various scenarios can be found HERE. We recognize the situation with COVID-19 continues to adjust, thus KSD will update processes and procedures accordingly. Please reference the Updated Marin County Decision Tree (9/30/2021) for additional guidance. To reference exposure cases for the KSD visit our KSD Dashboard webpage.

All on-campus volunteers must be vaccinated. If you are volunteering on campus working with children in any capacity, please complete the KSD’s vaccination verification process before you come to campus.

Reporting Self Testing

Marin Public Health Communicable Disease team created a link for parents and adult family members to report the results of their home tests, so that our teams can follow up with resources and information.


School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts

District Committees

Marin Public Health & MCOE Updates

COVID Information

Public Health Forums

Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6 p.m. (view flyer)
Public Health and Pediatrician Speaker Panel for Parents and Guardians

Marin County Quarantine Guidance, Updated Oct. 4, 2021
Marin County Decision Tree, Updated Sept. 30, 2021
Marin County Guidelines for School Operations, Updated Sept. 7, 2021
COVD 19 Vaccine Information, MHHS
Marin County Exposure Protocols

Tentative Vaccination Clinics for 5-11 year olds — Save the Dates!

Marin Vaccination Clinics Ages 5-11

Students and family members from across Marin will be welcome to attend any of these vaccination clinics and will include pre-registration and walk-in appointment options. These dates are based on a current projected timeline for approval.