Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Community,

I’ve always liked the idiom “It takes a village.” It is a shortened version of “It takes a village to raise a child,” which is an African proverb common to many African cultures. “It takes a village” is applicable in so many situations to acknowledge that it takes the efforts of many to accomplish a goal. It certainly takes a village to create and implement a caring, inclusive and rigorous educational experience for our Bacich students.

This past week I visited a third grade classroom during their drama class taught by visiting teacher, Ashley Kimball, of North Bay Theatrics. This 9 week enrichment program that our second and third grade students are participating in this fall is funded by the KSD community through our KIK foundation. Students were “making pizza” which included movement, choral response, silly voices, math concepts and academic vocabulary. What a gift to our students!

When I visited a first grade PE class this week, PE teacher, Celeste Perez, was teaching several dances from various countries in South America. Students learned some geography and history while moving their bodies and listening to Latin American music. I could not help myself from joining in and learning to dance the Macarena from Venezuela.

Student Activities

In art class with Ms. Libby and Ms. Clarke, Bacich students engaged in a collaborative and community building art piece. This project was inspired by international dot day and the concentric circle painting by Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. We appreciate the community support of our enrichment programs that we are able to offer our students.

As I read teacher newsletters, I see how many parent volunteer opportunities are available and how quickly our parent community responds to fill these volunteer spots. Classroom centers, carline volunteers, and class events are some examples of efforts to support our classroom and school activities and programs.

The KSPTA Grant Program will soon review proposals to fund materials and special projects and experiences for our students. We are so fortunate to have such an active PTA dedicated to supporting our schools and providing opportunities for our students.

These are just a few examples of how “It takes a village” is evident every day here at Bacich and the larger Kentfield School District.

With gratitude,


Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Counselor Connection

Andrea Cashman

Dear Bacich Community,

This month we are focusing on our Character Counts pillar of RESPECT and recognized this at our Bacich Bear Morning Assembly last Wednesday. For more information, here is a helpful handout, the “Family Guide to Teaching Good Character,” from the site. We appreciate your partnership in your child’s education.

Six Pillars Characters

Our staff are always looking for students who exhibit exceptional character and citizenship and acknowledge this by giving out Bacich Bear Cards. At our Wednesday morning assemblies, those students are called to stand and be recognized.

I am so impressed that so many of our students show exemplary respect to all on a daily basis!

Our September guidance lessons focused on using words for helping and not hurting, giving sincere apologies, thinking before you speak and Kelso’s Choices. Ask your child to teach you what they learned!


Andrea Cashman (aka Ms A)

Bacich Highlights

Bacich Library

The October blog is now available. Check out Bacich Library Book Buzz blog for information about how the library continues to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, discusses Rosh Hashanah and Diwali. Come in and check out books for Halloween!

Lear more about the library and search for books:

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Morning yard supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. at Bacich. Students arriving on campus prior to 7:45 a.m., must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult.

Bacich playgrounds, fields and play structures are closed until 2:53 p.m. If you are picking up your kindergartner and wish to wait on campus for an older student, you may supervise your child on the kindergarten playground while you wait.

Monday, October 10:

  • Bacich Lost & Found donation - please pick up items before this day

Wednesday, October 12: Bacich ELAC meeting, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Thursday, October 17:

  • Bacich Principal Chat, 8:30-9:30 a.m., IDEA Studio
  • Bacich Site Council meeting, 3-4 p.m.