Next KSPTA Meeting: Monday, December 6, 7-8 p.m., information

Get Ready for the KSPTA Kids Closet

The Kids Closet is back! It is a free shop created by clothing donations from our community serving all students and families of our district.

Clothing collection will be December 1 - 3
Kids Closet Shopping Day: Saturday, December 11 at Bacich

We happily accept: New and gently used clothing and shoes in excellent condition. Sizes 4T - XXL.

We cannot accept: underwear, socks, or pajamas.

For questions email laura@lessmessmorelife.com.

Parent Education Opportunities

The KSPTA is working on bringing some great parenting education events to Kentfield this school year. There are also lots of great resources, often free, in our community. Regularly, we'll be sharing information about community events with you.

Let's Talk Series: Parenting Tools

Wednesday, December 1, 7-8 p.m. PST, online event

Let’s Talk is a resource for parents and caregivers, centered around the idea that with a lot of solid science, and a lot of heart, we can support our youth as they navigate the tough stuff.

Sponsored by Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships

Raising Healthy, Caring and Successful Children in Today’s Complicated World with Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D.

Wednesday, December 8, 6:30-8 p.m. PST, online event

The last five decades have produced solid research about what kinds of parenting predict high achievement, social and emotional competence, and a strong character. Pulling it off is quite another matter… Join us for a lecture that will cover some neuroscience, research about stress, and focus on how parents can be effective and skillful in handling typical parenting challenges.

With the complexities of today’s world, parents are understandably concerned about how to both protect their children and challenge them to develop the skills and resilience they need. Studies have demonstrated that children and families who practice healthy and adaptive responses to stress are most likely to be resilient and successful with life goals. The challenge for parents is finding the proper balance between managing boundaries around family routines without having to sacrifice their warm and loving relationship that also fosters developmentally-appropriate autonomy. What parent doesn’t want less stress in this world of excess?

Bio: Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D. is currently a clinical professor in both the departments of psychology and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. Dr. Kastner is a frequent speaker at conferences, workshops and forums on adolescent development and family relationships. She is an author of five books written for parents on child development and parenting, including Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens and Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for raising successful tweens and teens. In her clinical practice, she sees children, adolescents, couples and families.

Please click the link to join the webinar: zoom.us/j/95108315759

Co-Sponsored by ITAV and Mill Valley PTAs and Kentfield School District

Marin County Inclusion Inspiration Series

Thursday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. An Exploration of Ableism & Neurodiversity

Dedication to Special Education (DSE) is collaborating with Changing Perspectives on a series of workshops focused on inclusion in 2021-2022.

Find out more at www.specialed.org/dse-school-community-workshops/

Sponsored by Dedication to Special Education

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