Kentfield School District News

Dear Kentfield School Community,

Over the last few days I have received a number of communications expressing concern with the information the district has provided about the return to in-person instruction for KSD students. As we move through this transition, I am committed to providing clear and concrete information as soon as it is available, with regular updates via the district weekly newsletter and brief timeline updates on Thursdays via Parent Square.

Through the negotiations process this summer, administration and staff developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlined conditions for distance learning and a transition to hybrid instruction (combination of remote and in-person instruction). The MOU was developed based on the impacts and effects of COVID-19 and what is allowable per state and local public health. In order to fully transition to hybrid instruction we must meet the conditions of the MOU, which includes training and an agreed upon date for full hybrid instruction to begin.

On October 5th, Kentfield's pilot program launches with a small subset of our population. We have invited up to fifty (50) students to participate and plan to operate nine (9) classes across our two sites. Our pilot students will receive in-person instruction and some virtual learning on site with an instructor available to assist, while their peers continue to learn remotely. This pilot will allow us to see if this approach can work for an effective hybrid program. The pilot will operate for two weeks, and during that time we hope to onboard additional classes so we may expand our hybrid the week of October 19th. KSD and KTA have not yet set the date for full hybrid operations. Once this date is set we will notify our community, so you may plan accordingly.

At this time we are launching our pilots, training our community – staff, students, and parents/guardians; and working with staff to determine the date for the full hybrid return to school. I have the confidence that our full school community is committed to bringing our students and staff back to campus safely while maintaining a quality academic program for our students. I recognize the urgency and interest to move more quickly, yet offering a transition plan that offers continuity while ensuring all safety and instructional conditions are met will provide the most effective experience possible.


Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

Communications Timeline

October 1, 2020 Pilot Parent/Guardian SSSPP Orientation 5-6pm
Timeline Update via Parent Square (10/1)
October 5, 2020 Launch Pilot Program
October 8 & 12, 2020 Parent/Guardian SSSPP Orientations
Time TBD AM/PM Options
Timeline Update via Parent Square (10/8)
October 13, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
October 15, 2020 Parent/Guardian SSSPP Q & A Site Specific Presentation
Timeline Update via Parent Square (10/15)
October 19, 2020 Parent/Guardian SSSPP Q & A Site Specific Presentation
Expand Pilot Program
October 20, 2020 Parent/Guardian SSSPP Q & A
Site Specific Presentation
October 22, 2020 KSD Office Hours (Tentative)
Timeline Update via Parent Square (10/22)

Upcoming Events

*For security, Zoom links and passwords for events are not posted on the District website, and are sent through ParentSquare.

Daily: Virtual Crossing Guard with Ms. Stephens, 7:55-8:30 a.m., Zoom

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

  • Pilot Program Launches
  • KSPTA meeting, 7-8 p.m. Zoom. All are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

  • School Board meeting, 5 p.m., Zoom. All are welcome to attend.

Friday, October 16, 2020

  • Staff Professional Development Day – No School

Monday, October 19, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2002

School Board